"It's not a stretch
to become a member"
Craigmeur Membership
Join for all the benefits the club has to offer!
Craigmeur Ski Club meets at Polo's Bar & Grill, 140 Ledgewood Ave. Netcong, NJ 07857 at 8:00pm: (Every Wednesday, Oct. - Apr. and 1st and 3rd Wednesday, May - Sept)
For New Prospective members:
*Complete a Membership Application and bring it to your first meeting.
-Link to Form ==> Membership Application & Renewal Form
*Attend four meetings. (One of the four meetings can be substituted by attending one club function or Lodge stay.)
*Check in with the Club’s Vice President at the beginning of each of your four meetings.
*No payment will be needed until the fourth meeting when all requirements are met.
*For Renewing Members: Annual Membership renewal period begins the First of October and must be received or postmarked by the second Wednesday of December.
Rates are as follows:
Family $55.00
Single $35.00
Family Retired or Family Out of State $27.50
Single Retired or Single Out Of State $17.50
Payment can be made in person at a meeting or via a mailed check. Checks can be made payable to Craigmeur Ski Club.
Mailing address:
Craigmeur Ski Club
179-9 ROUTE 46 WEST #226
Rockaway, NJ 07866-4046